Infolojo's web
Luck, coffee and code !!! ☕
About me
Android and web developer
Hello. 🖖 My name is Antonio José Lojo Ojeda. I am from El Puerto de Santa María. Talking about me, I am graduate as Technician in Microcomputer System and Networks and a as Technician in Web Apps but professionally I dedicate myself to native Android development. I have been working for Alten/Spain for one year in Diario AS. Actually working as Android Developer for Napptilus.
My projects
Random Group
Create and manage your own competition
Create your groups with custom name competition and groups with players,
tap winners and click on continue until you reach the final
and see the winner
- Choose competition name
- Choose number of groups
- Choose the names of the players
- Create the groups
- Progress through the next phases
- Win you our competition
Keep it Droid
Notes App for Android
New keep it desktop app
This time for your mobile or tablet. The application is fully functional but actually it´s in
- make, save, edit and delete your own and personal notes
- Sign in and log in
- Customize your notes with 8 diferent colors
Future features
Future features in Keep it Droid
- Filters and search on the Main Notes screen
- Secure types as passwords or sensitive accounts
- Video and photo save
- Camera app integrated to catch and save images
- Personal area where user will, edit his profile or delete his account
Monumentos is an android app to save, edit and share monumentos The application is built following the mvvm pattern, clean architecture and hilt to inject dependencies.
- Save new monuments with url info, images location and more
- Save as Favorite to organize yout monuments
- Beutifull display of your saved monuments
- Use Google Maps integration on the app to locale and save, edit or delete new monuments
- Visit your favorite monuments by maps api
Surf Web App to check your beaches
- Search save and comment your beaches
- Sign in and log in
- Personal profile with your favorites beaches
- share and comment with another users
- Visit your favorite beaches by maps api
- Responsive and beautifull design with 6 break points
- DarkMode and LightMode app
Lojo gram
Social Network app in lravel using MVC arquitecture
- A powerfull aplication where you can
- Sign in and log in
- Update your profile picture or personal data
- Upload delete and edit photos
- Comments and likes on another users photos
- Profile home favs and config views
React Notes app
React Notes App
- An app where you can do
- Secure authentication with firebase
- Save, update and delete your notes
- SWA by react components
- Simple and clean interface by boostrap
- JavaScript ES6 sintax
Lojo Rent Video
Rent video app developed by Java Tomcat Servlets and Rest-Api architecture, and Jquery
- A powerfull aplication where you can
- DAO pattern
- Ajax, Jquey, CSS3 and session by cookies
- Log in and Sig in users with a beautifull interface
- Responsive and asynchronous front by js EMS-6
- Rent movies, updating copies, but be careful with your balance
- Go premium and get discounts
Classics Games JS
JS minigames website
- A fun website where you can enjoy
- Connect 4
- Memory food game
- Snake
- Frogger Game
- Space Invaders and more ..
Keep It
Note app developed with Wokis
- A powerfull aplication where you can
- Log in and Sign in
- Create, update and delete notes
- Filter notes by title, category, or label
- Multi-User app
- Tested by Unit Tests
take a look at my repositories